Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes. And now that you’ve started receiving your acceptance letters, it’s time to make a final decision. We’ve been there, too, so we’d like to offer some advice to help you make the right choice.
Meet Sidney, OFL’s Newest Intern!
Meet Sidney, the newest intern to join the OFL Marketing team! A recent OFL graduate, Sidney’s alma mater is continuing to help positively shape his future. Here is what he has to say about his time working for OFL.
Successful Jobs in STEM Education
‘STEM’, also known as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, comprise the fastest growing occupations in the United States. STEM job openings are currently growing by an incredible 17%! Compare that to all other non-STEM jobs which are growing at only 9.8%. New Jobs Require STEM Education While Geometry and Physics may not be your favorite things, it is important […]
7 Online Courses That Teach You How to Code
So much of our world is powered by code today. Coding, also known as programming, is what powers all your favorite websites, mobile apps, and generally anything digital. As the world continues to go digital, more and more tools have become available to help improve the process of learning how to code. Today there are […]
8 Questions to Ask at a Job Interview
Faced with preparing for a job interview, you may get a new outfit, read up on the company, and review common interview questions so you’ll be ready to talk about your strengths and accomplishments. However, interviews aren’t just for the interviewer to get to know you, they’re also a chance for you to get to […]