On April 5, 2019, Options For Youth (OFY) and Opportunities For Learning (OFL) held their annual Engineering Design Challenge at the DoubleTree Hotel in Monrovia. Students who competed at the event won school-site and regional competitions and advanced to the finals with their teammates. 110 contestants had two hours to work on a space-themed mission […]
6 Big Benefits of Blended Learning
If you aren’t familiar with blended learning, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. We’re here to help! Blended learning is a term for an educational model that employs various instructional methods to teach kids, often including traditional classroom settings, independent study courses, virtual learning (also known as online learning), and other, more innovative methods like social/emotional […]
What Is Experiential Learning and Why Should You Know About It?
Think back to high school science class. What lessons do you remember the most? What made them standout? Was it your teacher telling you about chlorophyll and photosynthesis via slideshow, or visiting a local greenhouse and learning about plant development and growing techniques, and then going home with your own seedling? The latter is an […]
Overcoming Obstacles to Gardening: An Interview With Carolyn Candela, MNM
For this post we interviewed Carolyn Candela, who is the new Community Garden Specialist at Pathways In Education. When she was younger, Carolyn did a bit of gardening with her father—mostly planting flowers, tomatoes, and different herbs. But it wasn’t until seven years ago, when she started volunteering at a school garden, that she discovered […]